Monday, May 11, 2009

Delhi Vs Mumbai through my eyes

Now I am born and brought up in this city and so I love Delhi no doubt about that but I just cant help comparing it with Mumbai sometimes. So we will or should I say I will tell you about the various facets of both the cities according to me and for the record these opinions strictly belong to me and me only and I do not have a political agenda,trust me on this one.

Delhi Men(exceptions are always there) seriously do not know how to respect woman,it's not only in the way they talk to you but they manage to insult or make you feel cheap just by the way they look at you.
Mumbai Men definitely get a thumbs up from me it's not that eve teasing does not happen there but men in general RESPECT women there and don't make you feel like crap everytime they check you out.

I know lot of Delhi men might or might not agree with me but believe me being a woman you instantly notice this difference infact I can back my statement with a fact.
Just Yesterday my brother told me that there is something in the Mumbai culture which teaches you to treat women as equals,beings who are intelligent and individualitic and not some sex object only.

While in Delhi the culture is quite the opposite women here are always meant to be seen but not heard,always doing what they are asked to do and basically being a shadow off their husbands.
Don't know why but this is what I have noticed maybe it's because Mumbai is more cosmopolitan in it's outlook or may be because Delhi's society is too conservative whatever it is I hope things change soon!


  1. kinda true!
    delhi guys are total dumbos! they think that just because they can bluff about how much money they have or have delusions that their rugged looks are irresistible, they can get away with anything.

    frankly, they would make a normal person puke!

  2. lol Thanks for the comment...ya some of them can be quite bad but some of them are good as well..just that it's a little difficult to find they are after all a part of the extinct species!
