Friday, May 22, 2009

Me...Mary Poppins

It's been a slow week to say in the least..I guess it always happens whenever you want things to happen, right then automatically everything starts going at a superb slow pace.. soo irritating.

Well it's a little troublesome but then it's better things move slow and steady and your way rather than fast and furious and ending absolutely no where.

I'm sure by now you are wondering what I'm talking about wish I could help you with this one since even Im not very sure what Im getting at.

Guess it's one of those days and I am in one of those moods where I wish I was hmmm lets say "Marry Poppins" and things would happen at the snap of my fingers.
All my wishes and dreams would come true...sounds wonderful..."ya right it does for about 10 secs it does" but then think about it that would be sooo boring.

Whats the fun if you get everything in a platter no suspense,no drama,you end up getting complacent(plus you will get majorly fat) and the most important thing no hope.
That small tiny grain of MIRACLE..hope..which makes you believe that there will be light when there is darkness all around..see even thinking and writing about it is making me smile.

So keep a tight hold on this tiny grain and keep smiling just like I am.....

Monday, May 18, 2009

Indian Public..force to reckon with!

All's well that end's well was a phrase which I couldn't have used had not UPA turned as victorious in the elections in fact I am going to go a step further and say thank God as well as thank the Indian voters-they have managed to create history of sorts.

I was scared might be an understatement since I was actually undergoing a massive heart attack when the results were about to be announced thank god I survived as well as the present government did.

I feel no remorse in admitting that I completely underestimated my people as did the opposition which eventually cost them a very high price to pay, when I interacted and spoke to people around me most of them were literate, financially stable and voting for congress( baring a few) it was the people in rural areas,illiterate people,people who had been hit by recession,people who might have been given lectures on morals and safeguarding our culture by people who think they are the sole custodians of their religions who I was more worried about.

Turns out I had actually nothing to worry about the Indian public has finally come of age,they are not people you can take for fools and mess around with because if you try you land up in hot soup just like the opposition do.

I am a happy woman today who will get to catch up on her beauty sleep today knowing that there is nothing to worry about as long as the India public remains awake..!

What can I say except for..Jai ho India! Jai Ho Indian public Ki!

Friday, May 15, 2009

Delhi praising time

Poll results are due tomorrow and I don't know about you but I am a bit scared, hope everything turns out well. Any which ways it's going to be a close call and I for one am keeping my fingers crossed.
You must be wondering why the hell is she so worked up about well..ofcourse, this is my country and which government is going to be elected concerns not only me but each one of us so when Mumbai had a low turnout of voters I was'nt sad , I was angry..mad..the works specially since after the 26/11 I thought people would be up and about since it shook up not only the city but India,the whole world and me(I was there when it happened).

So know I need to majorly give Delhites a thumbs up and a pat on the back(for me as well) for showing up in large numbers and telling the people we care even if you do not!
Well done a proud woman!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Delhi Vs Mumbai(countinued..)

Ok I think I did a lot of Delhi male bashing in my last post which I completely stand by since it's 100% accurate.Contrary to the perception that people might get after going through the post is that most probably I am feminst which is untrue I guarantee.
I am just a normal woman who would like her city to be safe for her to live in, to be given enough freedom so she can live her dreams and not fear that they will be crushed.
A woman who feels that she has much equal rights as a man to work hard and earn a decent living without this thought entering her head every morning as she steps out, hope the day goes of smoothly and I return home safely to my loved ones.
I believe that not all people are that bad even some of the Delhi guys are quite nice but I just wish that the good ones would outnumber the bad ones.
Wo kehte hai na vishwas pe Duniya kayam hi...!!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Delhi Vs Mumbai through my eyes

Now I am born and brought up in this city and so I love Delhi no doubt about that but I just cant help comparing it with Mumbai sometimes. So we will or should I say I will tell you about the various facets of both the cities according to me and for the record these opinions strictly belong to me and me only and I do not have a political agenda,trust me on this one.

Delhi Men(exceptions are always there) seriously do not know how to respect woman,it's not only in the way they talk to you but they manage to insult or make you feel cheap just by the way they look at you.
Mumbai Men definitely get a thumbs up from me it's not that eve teasing does not happen there but men in general RESPECT women there and don't make you feel like crap everytime they check you out.

I know lot of Delhi men might or might not agree with me but believe me being a woman you instantly notice this difference infact I can back my statement with a fact.
Just Yesterday my brother told me that there is something in the Mumbai culture which teaches you to treat women as equals,beings who are intelligent and individualitic and not some sex object only.

While in Delhi the culture is quite the opposite women here are always meant to be seen but not heard,always doing what they are asked to do and basically being a shadow off their husbands.
Don't know why but this is what I have noticed maybe it's because Mumbai is more cosmopolitan in it's outlook or may be because Delhi's society is too conservative whatever it is I hope things change soon!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

been a long time..

God I feel like I'm writing after ages and probably I am , my last post was when I was in Mumbai .
I don't whether I made the correct decision or not, I was very happy there but Delhi is where my loved ones live and as the saying goes..home is where the heart is.
Both these places are so similar and so completely opposite in some cases I tell you it freaks you out. Maybe I should blog about the different aspects of Delhi and Mumbai through my eyes..hmm yup I think I will definitely go for it stick around!