Thursday, August 30, 2012

Getting older is so much fun

When you are child you just can't wait to grow up after all it means freedom- freedom to do what the heart desires, freedom to indulge in all those exciting activities elders like to do for e.g drive/wear make up to name a few  among many others of scandalous nature which is best left to your imagination

When you reach your 20's you just want time to stop and not move an inch. You feel you are on top of the world no one can touch you, defeat you or harm you it's your time and as the tag line of a well known brand goes you want to make it large. Time though has other ideas and before you know it-  25 starts looming in front of you and you start doing everything in your power to make time slow down though it never does.

 You hit your 30's and you feel you are over the hill it's all downhill from here..right actually wrong! I feel this is such an old, boring and might I add idiotic way to think. I will be reaching the brink soon and you know what I can't you heard me right I am super excited to be getting older and I hope a tad bit wiser.

 Now now before you start nodding your head from left to right and saying "ya right" and thinking this girl has completely lost the plot  read on below for my reasons for believing this is the best time of my life and maybe who knows your's as well...

  • I dislike my younger days because you are always so conscious of who is watching you and what they are thinking about you. The best part about now is that  I am not even interested to know who, what and why's of the world  - it's not that I  don't care but my opinions take priority over other people's opinions about me. 
  •   I eat/ wear/ read / do stuff that I want to do not what my best friend is doing or what my neighbor has suggested to my mom or what my relative thinks I should do...gosh what a relief I tell you!
  • As you become older you do become wiser and less hyper and more forgiving and less prone to making stupid mistakes because hopefully over time you have already made a couple and learnt from them.
  • My personal favorite you learn to count your blessings and be content and happy with whatever you have. 
I can go on and on so I am stopping myself while I can before I turn this into thesis. Like a wise person once  said age is just a number.. I say it is and so you should  embrace it, learn from it and look forward to the next one! Bring it on..... 

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