A show presently on air by Aamir Khan named as "Satyamev Jayatev" has been generating a lot of news or should I say controversy lately. While a whole lot of people are appreciating the endeavor there is another section who have been quite upfront in sharing their concern that there is nothing new about the issues that he has been raising in the show but then how come as soon as a popular celebrity gets involved the whole nation sits up and takes notice.
While activist and ordinary people have been fighting these evils since time immemorial without any support or appreciation from either the government or people like you and me ..what has changed so drastically and is this really fair? Fair that a celebrity decided to do one show and the whole nation watches with bated breadth while heaving praises on him.
Honestly I do agree that it is not fair that so many people in the past have done so much and not received due credit for the same but I have a couple of points below that I feel are imperative and need to be considered, maybe even give you some food for thought:
While activist and ordinary people have been fighting these evils since time immemorial without any support or appreciation from either the government or people like you and me ..what has changed so drastically and is this really fair? Fair that a celebrity decided to do one show and the whole nation watches with bated breadth while heaving praises on him.
Honestly I do agree that it is not fair that so many people in the past have done so much and not received due credit for the same but I have a couple of points below that I feel are imperative and need to be considered, maybe even give you some food for thought:
- Our nation worships celebrities period. A poor illiterate villager might not be ready to listen to a sermon by an activist but might just change his hard core opinions if his favorite actor tells him to do so. Hence shouldn't we happy that out of all actors at least one is using his power/status to make a difference?
- Yes so he is charging a bomb for it but I for one am relieved that he is charging it for this show as compared to any other show that he could have done on television (reality/dance anyone? etc)
- The show is definitely creating an impact and bringing to the fore front difficult issues which not many show hosts could have tackled and dealt with the sensitivity it required , he is doing that and more.
- The most crucial point for me to consider that being a celebrity he is putting himself out there among the common man, raising pertinent and even scandalous issues, trying to change the perceptions, sympathizing with the the victims and giving them the respect that they have been denied.
I have always liked Aamir Khan in reel life but this man definitely deserves appreciation in real life as well for what he is doing. Not because of anything else but the fact that the issues he is raising will help save a lot of people and hopefully undo a lot of wrong that has been done. It gives me hope when I see people like him come forward and raise to the challenge, maybe others will take a leaf out of his book and follow his footsteps soon. All I can say is more power to him and may his tribe increase manifold because then 'my India' and 'your India' will truly be shining !
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