Have you ever caught yourself saying to yourself or maybe others "I am too busy", "I am too stressed", "I need to get a life" well I have and I seem to be saying this way too often to my disbelief and others disappointment.
I have this sneak suspicion that along the way to reach my goals by working literally my butt off, constantly being online or on my official email id to be "on top of things", skipping meeting a friend for lunch/coffee for the fear of missing out an important mail/work or a minute of constructive work time--I seem to have gotten disconnected with none other than well with "ME".
I thought technology was supposed to lessen the burden, help me educate myself, help me stay connected (facebook,you tube, gmail chat) , well my friend for me it does all this and more but at what cost? Is it even worth it I think sometimes? I wonder how people survived when they did not have a blackberry, did not have access to computers and mobiles..well the answer is simple they did "survive" so why can't we?.
I did a little experiment this Sunday I took time off - I went for a walk without the radio blaring in my ears, did not touch my computer until right now, tried not sending any text and calling people up did not quite succeed but at least I tried and I quite liked it. While I walked I noticed well the sky, greenery around me, children cycling, the wind blowing on my face/hair enjoyED the feeling and ya a couple walking hand in hand totally oblivious of anything and anyone ..how cute!
Since the morning I have had at least a dozen panic attacks by not checking my personal id/official id, facebook, texting etc and you know what nothing earth shattering has happened, no body died including me! So I have come to the conclusion that I will have to take time off -You know take out time to do nothing at all..lounge around..read a book..just sit on my terrace and observe everything around me -FYI one of the peaceful and calming things I can vouch for it!!
I would like to someday extend this experiment to a weekday keeping aside the worry of getting fired or beaten up or worse. In the meanwhile I think this has been one of my most relaxing Sundays and I wished to share it with someone and then realized sometimes the only person you needed was right there.. it was "ME"......
Well, you've got to extend it over a few more days, and you'll feel awesome. Instant peace, after a while. I tried it, and I liked it. But then, I returned back too due to inevitability.
Blasphemous Aesthete
Blasphemous Aesthete thank you for your interesting and very real inputs & comments always!