Sunday, August 1, 2010


I never really thought I was the kind of girl who would obsess over things easily but here I was siting on a Sunday afternoon and thinking about random stuff like what clothes I should wear tomorrow at work or I should have bought that white pair of heels when I had the chance...occupational hazards of working in a Public Relations firm dominated by gals. It's kinda of funny because these are normally not the things that occupy my mind, which does prove what I have been thinking all along that it does not matter where you are from, how are you because eventually you do start getting moulded into whatever environment you spend your maximum time.

I also learned that those killer pair of heels can give you so much confidence that you can take on the world if you have to!! How the word "sale" has the capability of driving even the most sensible women in this world into a frenzy and compel them to resort to tactics just to lay their hands on that one pair of heels that in another situation they wouldn't even dreaming of buying otherwise.

OOOps seems I am obsessed and that too about shopping .."I guess I am changing don't know whether for the good or worse" though I do wish my back balance would not change so much the start of the month it's high and by the end of the month it's so low you begin to cry. Anyways gonna head towards the Almirah and do some clothes searching..hope it is not as difficult as soul searching. Hmmmm have to find time for that as well..both are very important you see!! specially the latter.. ;)


  1. well change is inevitable isn't it. Was your affinity to shopping good or bad, only time would tell.
    But yes, do it if it makes you happy. :)


  2. @Blasphemous thanks for your comment..yes ur right time will only tell... :)
