The first question that my old school mate asked me as soon as she met was Megha aren't you getting married are like 26 girl..wrong side to be on better get hitched asap.
Only when people look at me with wonder does the full impact of being a 26 yr full grown up woman really hit coz quite frankly I don't feel a day older than 21. They say that even I look youger(thank god for that ) so it comes across as quite a surpise to people when they come to know about my age.So you think it ends here well no it does'nt because then the people start cross questioning me ..
Me:Huh No!
They:Why Not?
Me :Never Got around to finding the right one
They:You are lying aren't you?
Me:Hell No why would I lie I am way above the legal age of 18 and If I had one why would I hide it.
They:Are you gay or something?
Me(fuming by now):No absolutely not
They:Well then are you blind or crazy or something and the conversation goes on...
I tell you being single is definitely not easy either you are gay or you need psychiatric help.. I am neither so I am going continue living my life,pretend to ignore the boyfriend question and in the meanwhile be on the lookout for one who himself is neither gay or insane...know anyone who fits the bill do send his contact details to me...
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