10th June,2011, the day we were launching a brand that is known world over for it's cool and fun quotient. Vans--iconic sports inspired (mostly skateboarding) footwear and apparel brand came to town and the exciting part we were the ones who bought them home. That my friends was not the only exciting bit me as in moi went back stage and got to rub shoulders (okay not literally) but had a face to face conversation with cutie Abhay Deol!!
Now I have heard a lot about starry tantrums and celebrity “nakhras” and after a long day of work was dreading to be at the receiving end. As it is the whole evening was yet to unfold including us handling him along with the press and his fans which can get quite ugly as anybody who is in PR or events will be able to tell you.
Imagine my surprise when the actor comes across as a gentlemen and a professional to the core. No hang-ups, no looking in the mirror every two minutes, no whining he just went about his job like clockwork which in turn made our lives so much easier. In the span of 45 minutes that I spent around the actor .. I was impressed!! Not because he made girls go weak in the knees and literally throw themselves at him while he patiently and politely extracted himself from them, not because he just did not stand at the stage but went right up to the audience to shake hands and click pics with teenage girls screaming out his name, not because he took time out to shake hands with the store boys and security guards but because of all that and more.
Most importantly his down to earth behaviour the way he spoke with the journalist, PR team(us), the bouncers..not once did the “actor impact” show just a normal guy going about his average day doing average work. Which in this case was not true at all as he certainly wasn’t a normal guy and his behaviour “not normal”, work would absolutely not qualify as a normal job? The event was a success with other elements of the show in itself quite exciting with performances by Vans skateboarders, Sheetal Mallar -the model and Anushka Manchanda and we returned home feeling a sense of euphoria on a job well done.
Like always I like reliving memories and introspecting, it always brings key learning and so many times a smile on my face and at other times a tear in my eye. This one time was no different –smile on my face remembering how not only teenage girls, boys but grownups could not stop themselves from clicking pics with the Actor. Learning’s-- how as I followed the actor with his swarm of bouncers and his agent with cameras and flash bulbs following us in tow it seemed like déjà a vu and I realized how difficult it must be to remain sane and grounded among such devotion, chaos , love and euphoria.
I will never in my life be a star or remotely inspire the kind of crazy love and following that Mr Deol had conjured up and quite frankly nor do I even aspire to but I do hope that a few people take a leaf out of his book. No matter how big, important and powerful you become the important quality that will always shine through is how humane and humble you remain. Hmmmm a little profound thought but on a lighter vein he came, he smiled that cute dimpled smile of his, he conquered and he left… leaving me with only one thought …maybe I should have gotten a picture clicked with him when I had the chance ……doesn’t matter there is always a next time * wink wink*